Wednesday, January 16, 2008


The Big Show is coming back to WWE. It's hard to get excited about it, even though I do have some affection for the big lug (certainly more than your average smark, I wager). For one, I thought he had a pretty good exit; he had the longest main event run of his career and then left on his own terms after putting over Bobby Lashley. Second, as entertaining as his matches could be when he was working with the right person (Brock Lesnar, mainly, but I remember his stuff with Cena being good), the matches that I can imagine them booking him in isn't exactly inspiring. Beyond that match with Hogan that we apparently have to see again (for the 20th anniversary of the Hogan/Andre rematch, I guess?), you have to assume they'd put him up against Khali at some point, and also factor in their perverse desire to put him in feuds with Kane every few years (although they did have a really fun match in ECW. No, seriously!).

That said, it sets a good precedent that guys like he and Jericho can take long chunks of time off, away from the business, and recharge their batteries before coming back; hopefully more guys will follow their lead. And, if nothing else, he has shown he's willing to put younger guys over, and he hasn't been jobbed out so much that it's lost its impact, so that's certainly something good. Also-- well, I really like his ECW entrance music, so hopefully they held on to that; and maybe they'll let him be funny again! I always did enjoy the post-SNL phase in 2000 where he was a happy go lucky impressionist, and I could really go for another round of skits with a 500 pd. stand up comedian. Most of all, we get yet another round of announcers trying to get him over by talking about how big he is in person, and how his hands resemble cookwear! Come on, we all missed that, didn't we?


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