Monday, November 19, 2007

How I spent my weekend

Didn't watch Survivor Series last night. I was too busy painting, and had pretty much decided I wasn't going to make the trip down to the local sports bar before I got stuck holding a roller most of yesterday anyway. I haven't even checked the results yet, really, and I'm kind of okay with just finding out via the shows, just like back in the old days when I couldn't watch the PPV. The fact that my internet is about as reliable as Scott Hall at this point has little to do with that, too. (Speaking of Hall, I'm recapping his appearences in TNA for Inside Pulse now, in case you didn't know.)

I was, however, totally immersed in a WWE product for the last few days, when I wasn't holding a brush. It just happened to be in the form of the new Raw vs. Smackdown game. I was a little underwhelmed with it at first to be honest. But then I learned how the new control scheme works, and it's been all gravy since. The new career mode looks incredibly deep, as you can really build up your wrestler. The General Manager mode, my favorite part of the recent games and the one thats eaten up the most of my time, to the point that it's almost an World of Warcraft-esque addiction, also has star building features, but really, as long as I can run my own wrestling promotion without actually having to be in this scummy business, I'll happily waste my life on THQ's annual grappling offerings. I mean, I have Edge as the ECW Champion, with Rey Mysterio and Monty Brown breathing down his neck, and Jack Evans and Kaz on the roster! You just can't beat that kind of masturbatory wrestling nerd joy. Also, you can set tables on fire. So, yeah, that'll keep me busy for awhile. Longer than the Conan game (so slavishly devoted to trying to be God of War that it's about as long as the first game in that series, but still a head cracking good time) and the Simpsons Game (a must play for Simpsons fans, for the inside humor, but pretty much a generic platformer otherwise). Although I'm going to try and fit in the 15,000 other high profile new 360 games in to my busy, sedentary schedule. So don't expect much blogging. I hope my one confirmed reader can forgive me. And I really need to finish this monster paragraph.

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